Monday, August 27, 2007


To all those that participated in our summer workouts congrats on a job well done.
Last week was the last week of workouts because pre-season starts sept. 5.
Hopefully these workouts were helpful in keeping you in shape and getting stronger.
On that note, good luck during your seasons.

Monday, August 20, 2007

August 26 (Day 111)

20 min easy run

August 25 (Day 110)

off/active rest

August 24 (Day 109)

5 mile run

August 23 (Day 108)

mile warmup
jump run workout
20 pushups
40 situps
20 squat jumps
20 tuck jumps
20 side to side
30m lunges
50m A run
the rest is no longer a 1min 45sec it's now just 1min
run for 60sec(hit 400m 0r more)
rest 2min after run
jump runs x3
mile cooldown

August 22 (Day 107)

Day off

August 21 (Day 106)

jog 800m
dynamic drills
movement drills
4x250m at 28sec 4-6min rest after each one

mile cooldown

August 20 (Day 105)

mile warmup
10 min stretch
2 sets of 4x100m at 14sec
3-6min rest in between sets
mile cooldown

hurdle mobility and strength excercises

Monday, August 13, 2007

August 19 (Day 104)

2o min easy run

August 18 (Day 103)

Off/active rest

August 17 (Day 102)

4 mile run
try to run it under 30min

August 16 (Day 101)

mile warmup
jump run workout
20 pushups
40 situps
20 squat jumps
20 tuck jumps
20 side to side
30m lunges
50m A run
the rest is no longer a 1min 45sec it's now just 1min
run for 60sec(hit 400m 0r more)
jump runs x3
mile cooldown

August 15 (Day 100)

day off

August 14 (Day 99)

jog 800m
dynamic drills
movement drills
4x250m 4-6min rest between each one
run the 200m in 28sec
ex. if you run 28.51 it counts as 29sec so run
each 200m under 28.5
drive hard 1st 50m hold speed for 150m and push through last 50m
mile cooldown

August 13 (Day 98)

mile warmup
10 min static stretch
2 sets of 4x100m
coach doesnt want them all out
make sure you run them in 14sec not faster or slower
the workout is supposed to help us learn how to pace ourselves
and it applies to the 250m workout tomorrow
take a 1min rest between each one and 3-6min rest in between the sets
mile cooldown

Hurdle mobility and a couple of strength excersices
ex. pushups for 30sec, situps for 30sec, e.t.c

August 11-12 (Day 96-97)

off/active rest

Sunday, August 5, 2007

August 10 (Day 95)

Hill workout

Me and Jon are gonna do stadium stairs around the fens
Essentially its a plyo workout but coach mase approved of this

August 9 (Day 94)

Day off

August 8 (Day 93)

Pool workout

August 7 (Day 92)

Jog 800m
movement drills
dynamic warmup
5x200 at 30 sec
Make sure you just run 200m
the workout is not suppose to be fast so just stick with the time

mile cooldown

August 6 (Day 91)

mile warmup
30 min workout
Make sure all three times are no more than 5 min
Ex. you have 10min to run 700m and the faster you do it the longer the rest
if you run it in 3min then you have 7min rest
After rest run 500m and if you run it in 1:15 then you have 8:45sec to rest
After run 300m but then the 3 has to be done in 45 sec and you ahve 9:15 sec to rest
because after you add up your times they have to be 5min or less.
The 300m is the base of the workout meaning the goal is to lower your 300m time
each time the workout is done
If all your times add up to be more than 5min then the workout doesnt count.
Meaning either you do it again later in the week, or next week with the same time

mile cooldown

P.S. you might want to record your times for the workout cause coach wants us to decrease the time for each run

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Friday, July 27, 2007

August 3 (Day 88)

mile warmup
recovery crossfields
do crossfield for 15 min
however you can slow down when joggin the straits but make
sure that you push forward and focus on form when striding across the field
mile cooldown

August 2 (Day 87)

jump runs
8min jog
A skips, Bskips, Cskips, 3x75m
same jump run workout as last week

August 1 (Day 86)

Day off

July 31 (Day 85)

pool workout

July 30 (Day 84)

jog 800m
movement drills (hip circles, leg swings)
dynamic flex drill x30m (Askips, Bskips, Cskips, A runs e.t.c)
5x250 m at 29 seconds with 4-6 min rest in between
remember to start time at beginning stop at 200m and coast for the last 50m
holding your running form

Also if anyone is running from 28-27 easily in the workout then go ahead with that time
however if you have to push it to reach 28 or 27 then just stay at 29 sec

This week's workout

Coach wants all the workout done on grass/turf for the week

July 28-July 29 (Day 82-83)

off/active rest

Monday, July 23, 2007

July 27 (Day 81)

4-5 mile run

July 26 (Day 80)

Jump runs
8 min warmup then stretch
A skips, B skips, A runs 3x75m
and stretch
20 pushups
40 situps
20 squat jumps
20 tuck jumps
20 side to side jumps
30 m lunge walk
50 m A runs
rest 1min 45 sec
run for 90 sec(500m-600m)
rest 2min and repeat this two more times
total of 3 jump runs
mile cooldown

July 25 (Day 79)

Day off

pool workouts and day off

coach wants pool workouts to always be the day we run and a day off after the pool workout
so then we can do workouts like jump runs or any other workout like sprinting fresh on thursday

July 24 (Day 78)

pool workout

July 23 (Day 77)

jog 800m
movement warmup (hip circles, leg swings, e.t.c)
Dynamic flex drills x30m (Askips, Bskips, Cskips, high knees, Aruns, e.t.c)
5 x250m at 29 seconds 4-6min rest in between
start time right from the start, stop time at 200m mark and just coast and hold speed for last 50m
2 min abs
light plyos
mile cooldown
10min stretch

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Sunday, July 15, 2007

July 20 (Day 74)

Same 30 min workout as last friday

He also wants us to lift Monday, Tuesday, and Friday
Me and Jon will lift Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday cause the weight room is close on friday

July 19 (Day 73)

Day off

July 18 (Day 72)

Easy pool workout
stretch after

July 17 (Day 71)

jog 800m
movement warmup (leg swings, hip circles, e.t.c)
Dynamic flex drills x 30m (askips, bskips, aruns, high knees, butt kicks)
4x250 meter workout
stride out first 50m and then start time at 200m
make sure they are done in 29 seconds
4 min rest in between
2 min abs
light plyos
1 mile cooldown
10 min stretch

July 16 (Day 70)

Jog 5 mins
Stretch 10 mins
Medium jog (30 mins)
Stretch 10 mins
Abs and pushups 5 min

July 15 (Day 69)

Day off/Active rest

July 14 (Day 68)

day off/active rest

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Great Job

Those that are doing the workouts keep it up. Guys you are doing a great job posting the workouts. I can't wait for the season to start. Take Care

Coach Mase

Friday, July 13, 2007

July 13 (Day 67)

30 min workout

3min- Jog/stretch
3min- Drills (A-skips, B-skips, C-skips, continous)
3min- Jog/stretch
3min- Drills
3min- Stride/stretch
3min- Plyos (1 leg bounding, hops, power skips, e.t.c)
3min- Stride/stretch (make sure the stride is harder than the first)
3min- Abs
3min- Stride/stretch(hard stride)
3min- Circuit (30 sec each)
*Rocky's (push-ups, but clapping in between. When you push off the ground try to clap once before hitting the ground again.)
*Mule kicks (get into push-up postition and lift both feet off the ground as if your going to kick the back of your head with your heel)

Coach said the workout might be hard at first, but during the season this should be a workout done either before or after meet days.

July 12 (Day 66)

Kevin: coach gave me the day off cause of hamstring problems
but Jon did roughly 3 miles (1 big loop/ 1 small loop around fens)

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

250m workouts

in case your wondering why we've been doing the same 250m workout
Coach said that he essentially wants them to be real easy especially with the new running form and what not. So these 200m at 30sec should be getting really easy without you exerting much energy in reaching the time.
Good luck

July 10 (Day 64)

mile warmup
static stretch 10min
4x250 m at 30 sec
same 4 min rest
jog first 50m and start time at 200m mark
mile cooldown

Monday, July 9, 2007

July 9 (Day 63)

4-5 mile run

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Monday, July 2, 2007

July 6 (Day 60)

mile warmup
static stretch (10 min)
8x100m focus on form and cycling through
run 100m's on grass/astro turf but stay away from any hard surfaces
mile cooldown

July 5 (Day 59)

16 min run again
go out in 9min(medium)
run back in 7min(hard)

July 4 (Day 58)

*pool day

July 3 (Day 57)

mile warmup
static stretch (10min)
250 workout but not hard
4x250 with 4 min rest
run the first 50m and start time at 200m mark
run 200m in 30 seconds
mile cooldown

July 2 (Day 56)

16 min run
run from designated start point in
9min(medium) run back to starting point in 7min(Hard)

This Week's Workout

Coach wants this week to be relatively easily, it's essentially an active rest week but there will still be workouts just to keep us moving and in shape.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

June 30-July 1 (Day 54-55)

off/Active rest

June 29 (Day 53)

Hill workout
5x hills
try to focus on form cycling through

June 28 (Day 52)

mile warmup
static stretch 10 min
workout: 4x 150m
make sure its done faster than last week
focus on form cycling through and keeping abs tight
3 min rest in between each
mile cool down

June 27 (Day 51)

pool workout

June 26 (Day 50)

mile warmup
10 min static stretch
workout: 6x 200m
faster than last week so run it in 29 sec or lower
4 min rest in between each
make sure you focus on form and cycling through
mile cool down

June 25 (Day 49)

2 mile run
6x100m stride (easy)
make sure you focus in form and cycling through

This Week

Coach said all the workouts will be the same but make sure they are done faster

Friday, June 22, 2007

June 23-24 (Day 47-48)

Off/Active rest
anything active can be done but not too strenuous

June 22 (Day 46)

Hill workout
(5x Hills)

Thursday, June 21, 2007

June 21 (Day 45)

mile warmup
static stretch (10 min)
workout: 4 (150 meters) with three minutes rest in between each
the workout is supposed to be done fast so make sure your moving!
1 mile cool down

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

June 20 (Day 44)

Pool workout not too hard but relaxed

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

June 19 (Day 43)

mile warmup
static stretch (1omin)
workout: 6 (250 meters)
take a 4 minute break in between each
start in the middle of the 100 meter and run the first 50 meters
as fast as you want but time your self for the last 200 meters
make sure you run it in 30 seconds or less
cool down
weight room( legs)

This workout is supposed to be fast, but be consistent in your times

Monday, June 18, 2007

June 18 (Day 42)

2 Mile run
6x 100m strides easy

June 16-17 (Days 40-41)

Off/Active Rest

Friday, June 15, 2007

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

June 12 (Day 37)

Workout (10am; 80-85 degrees):
8 min warmup stretch then stretch
A skips, A runs
3x75m Strides and stretch
Jump Run:
20 pushups
40 situps
20 squat jumps
20 tuck jumps
20 side to side jumps
30 m lunge walks
50 m A runs
Rest 1min n 45 sec
Run 45 sec*
Rest 2 min
= 1
Total of 4 jump runs

Monday, June 11, 2007

June 11 (Day 36)

1 Mile warmup
4x Sprint Drills x 3 @ 30m
8x 100m (med - fast)
1mile cool down

June 10 (Day 35)

Active Rest - Pool workout

Saturday, June 9, 2007

June 9 (Day 34)

Off - Flight to Brownsville, TX

Friday, June 8, 2007

June 8 (Day 33)

Workout: Distance run - PV to Four Corners and back (3.6miles)

Thursday, June 7, 2007

June 7 (Day 32)

Regular warmup, drills and stretches
15 minutes of stadium stairs, if no stadium is available, 15 minutes of hills

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

June 5 (Day 30)

Hill Workout, 5 reps, 150-200m *30 seconds

Monday, June 4, 2007

June 4 (Day 29)

Weather: Heavy Rain 61 degrees

Workout: Cross Training
Kevin - Long jump workout
AJ - Basketball workout:
Warmup - standing below backboard, jump up and touch the backboard alternating hands
Suicides - Baseline to half court, driving out and keeping good form like out of the blocks, jogging back to baseline, then driving out full court, jogging back. 4 sets of 5
Shoot around

Sunday, June 3, 2007

June 3 (Day 28)

Light Distance Run

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Friday, June 1, 2007

June 1 (Day 26) [Jump Runs]

Workout (10am; 80-85 degrees):
8 min warmup stretch then stretch
A skips, A runs
3x75m Strides and stretch
Jump Run:
20 pushups
40 situps
20 squat jumps
20 tuck jumps
20 side to side jumps
30 m lunge walks
50 m A runs
Rest 1min n 45 sec
Run(375-400m) in 60 sec*
Rest 2 min
and repeat this two more times
Total of 3 jump runs

*Distance and time vary on workout

Summary/Result: First set everything was on time, second set was the worst out of the three. Barely got through the reps and was significantly slower in the 60sec run (mostly the last 100m). Third set I used the rest of my energy to get through. A runs were very difficut to get through being fatigued from the other parts of the workout. Calves were very sore from yesterday. Struggled through the tuck jumps and pushups in the 2nd and 3rd set. Took longer than 2 minutes rest after 60 second runs.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

May 31 (Day 25)

Workout (9:30am; 80 degrees):
5.5 Lap warmup, each lap getting progressively faster
Static Stretches
Dynamic Stretches
3x 300s @ 45 sec (focus on first 200 being at 30s and keeping form and not slowing down last 100) 5 minutes rest between, few strides between sets
Cooldown - 4x 100m strides, 5x 30reps of various abs (rotating)

Result: First rep was fast, 2nd and 3rd were on time. Last 100m my form broke down on 2nd rep. No running partner. Calves were very tired after the workout. I felt my form improved, stayed on my toes a lot more and caught myself when I wasn't.

May 30 (Day 24)


Tuesday, May 29, 2007

May 29 (Day 23) [Crossfields]

Rest: 12:00am - 7:00am, 4:30pm - 6pm nap

Nutrition (Hydrating with water the whole day):
Breakfast (7:30am): Oatmeal, Orange, Lemonade
Lunch (1pm): Tuna Wrap, 6 inch grilled chicken sub
Dinner (8pm): Salad with honey balsamic dressing, pasta with meatballs, orange

Emotion: Motivated

Weather: Sunny 67 degrees

Location: Little Falls, NJ

Workout (9:30am):
10-15 minute jog
static stretches
Crossfields - Jog the back of the endzone, stride the diagnol, jog the endzone, stride the diagnol [8x strides total]

Result: Took a one minute break after 3 and a two minute break after 6. Strides stayed at a good speed and jogs could have been slowed down. Did 5 laps (2000m) for my warmup. A skips, B skips, and toe walks for drills.

Surface: Rubber Track & Grass

Running Partner? No

Work (Job): 11am - 4pm

Weight Room: N/A

Summary: My strides were at a decent pace which drained me out after 3 (6 strides). I had trouble breathing and was very tired so i took a one minute break and got right back into it to keep my strides at the same speed. Same thing after 6 crossfields (12 strides). edit: I misread the workout and was only supposed to do 8 strides total instead of 16

Monday, May 28, 2007

May 28 (Day 22)

Breakfast (10am) - 3 eggs with rice
Lunch (1pm) - Italian sub
Dinner (6pm) - two eggs with rice and sausage
2nd Dinner (10pm) - two plates of pasta with meatballs

a skips
b skips
toe walks
static stretches
5x hills (distance was 200 walking steps) working on driving legs and staying on toes

Result: wasn't too sure how long the hill run should have been. Was not able to do the workout early in the morning so it was done at 4pm at 89 degrees. Ran without a partner and felt myself slow down at the end of the sprint. Started out driving hard up the hill then slowed down, could have done better. left hamstring was still bothering me

Days 15 - 21

Down the shore

Days 8 - 14 [Husky Circuit A]

5 min Jog
Stretch (Static)
2 x A skips (30m)
2 x B skips (30m)
2 x Toe Walks (30m)
15 min Run
Circuit (Husky Circuit A)
* Each Excercise x 30ses
Squat Jumps
Step Ups
Lunge Walks
Duck Walks (Side)
Stretch (10mins)

Tuesday - Swim, Bike, Tennis, Something Fun

Wednesday - Warm-up, Stretch, 2 x 100m med and 2 x 150m med on grass
Result: Left hamstring was bothering me

Thursday - Warm-up, Stretch 4 x 45 sec runs on grass rest (3 mins bewteen each)
Husky circuit A

Friday - Same as Tues

Sat - 12 min Jog and Stretch

Sun - OFF

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Day 7

Active rest - went swimming

Day 6

Rest: -

Nutrition (Hydrating with water the whole day): -

Emotion: -

Weather: Sunny 80 degrees

Location: Little Falls, NJ

Workout (4:00pm):
5 min Jog
Stretch (Static)
2 x A skips (30m)
2 x B skips (30m)
2 x Toe Walks (30m)
15 min Run
Circuit (Husky Circuit A)
* Each Excercise x 30sec
Squat Jumps
Step Ups
Lunge Walks
Duck Walks (Side)
Stretch (10mins)
Result: Good workout, no problems

Surface: Rubber Track, Grass, Concrete

Running Partner? Yes

Weight Room: N/A

Summary: Ran at a quick pace for the entire time on the 15 minute run. Struggled later on in the pushups toward the last 10 seconds, situps were easy

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Friday, May 11, 2007

Day 3

Rest: 2:30am - 10:00am waking up several times

Nutrition (Hydrating with water the whole day):
10:10am Breakfast: Taylor Ham & Cheese on a roll
8:50pm Dinner(2): Cheeseburger with chili and fries

Emotion: Very tired from waking up every 45 minutes after 6am

Weather: Cloudy 68 degrees

Location: Little Falls, NJ

Workout (8:00pm):
Static streches
12 minute light distance run
3x10 pullups
3x15 squats

Result: Might have ran harder than I should have but I kept the pace throughout the entire run.

Surface: Rubber Track, Grass, Concrete

Running Partner? No

Work (Job): 11am - 4pm

Eye Appointment: 4pm - 7pm

Weight Room: N/A

Summary: Nutrition the passed few days havn't been that great the passed few days but I have been drinking plenty of water and since the workouts didnt call for a lot of energy, I didn't really feel the effects. Struggled on the last set of pullups. Ran at night.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Day 2


Rest: 2:45am - 10:25am

12:00pm Breakfast: 2 eggs over easy, two sausage links, potatoes, stuffed french toast with strawberries
7:15pm 2 Slices of plain pizza

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Day 1

Rest: 1:30am - 7:00am, 7:45am - 9:00am

Nutrition (Hydrating with water the whole day):
10:00am Breakfast: Bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios with whole milk, Banana
1:40pm Lunch: 1/2 Italian Sub
6:00pm Dinner: 2 Plates of pasta with meatballs
10:45pm Dinner(2): At On The Boarder - Enchiladas, Taco, Rice, Beans

Emotion: Slightly tired, no aches or pains

Weather: Sunny 82 degrees

Location: Little Falls, NJ

Workout (4:30pm):
1 mile Warmup (9 minutes)
Static stretches (20 minutes)
30 meters 5x each:
-Toe walks
-High knees (Keep toes dorsi flex, tight core, stay tall)
-A skips
-B skips
-A-C-A skips
-A runs
3x 100m strides barefoot on grass (Pay attention to technique)
Abs - 3 min abs
3x 25 Pushups
3x 25 Back hypers

Result: Warmup started way too quickly had to slow the pace each lap to hit a 9 minute mile.

Surface: Rubber Track & Grass

Running Partner? No

Work (Job): 11am - 4pm

Weight Room: N/A

Summary: It was a little more work than expected. I thought that it was only going to warm up me up but by the 4th and 5th sets I had to work to keep good techinque. Hips flexors were getting a little tired. Still had a lot of energy at the end of the workout.