Tuesday, May 29, 2007

May 29 (Day 23) [Crossfields]

Rest: 12:00am - 7:00am, 4:30pm - 6pm nap

Nutrition (Hydrating with water the whole day):
Breakfast (7:30am): Oatmeal, Orange, Lemonade
Lunch (1pm): Tuna Wrap, 6 inch grilled chicken sub
Dinner (8pm): Salad with honey balsamic dressing, pasta with meatballs, orange

Emotion: Motivated

Weather: Sunny 67 degrees

Location: Little Falls, NJ

Workout (9:30am):
10-15 minute jog
static stretches
Crossfields - Jog the back of the endzone, stride the diagnol, jog the endzone, stride the diagnol [8x strides total]

Result: Took a one minute break after 3 and a two minute break after 6. Strides stayed at a good speed and jogs could have been slowed down. Did 5 laps (2000m) for my warmup. A skips, B skips, and toe walks for drills.

Surface: Rubber Track & Grass

Running Partner? No

Work (Job): 11am - 4pm

Weight Room: N/A

Summary: My strides were at a decent pace which drained me out after 3 (6 strides). I had trouble breathing and was very tired so i took a one minute break and got right back into it to keep my strides at the same speed. Same thing after 6 crossfields (12 strides). edit: I misread the workout and was only supposed to do 8 strides total instead of 16

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