Friday, May 11, 2007

Day 3

Rest: 2:30am - 10:00am waking up several times

Nutrition (Hydrating with water the whole day):
10:10am Breakfast: Taylor Ham & Cheese on a roll
8:50pm Dinner(2): Cheeseburger with chili and fries

Emotion: Very tired from waking up every 45 minutes after 6am

Weather: Cloudy 68 degrees

Location: Little Falls, NJ

Workout (8:00pm):
Static streches
12 minute light distance run
3x10 pullups
3x15 squats

Result: Might have ran harder than I should have but I kept the pace throughout the entire run.

Surface: Rubber Track, Grass, Concrete

Running Partner? No

Work (Job): 11am - 4pm

Eye Appointment: 4pm - 7pm

Weight Room: N/A

Summary: Nutrition the passed few days havn't been that great the passed few days but I have been drinking plenty of water and since the workouts didnt call for a lot of energy, I didn't really feel the effects. Struggled on the last set of pullups. Ran at night.

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