Monday, July 23, 2007

July 26 (Day 80)

Jump runs
8 min warmup then stretch
A skips, B skips, A runs 3x75m
and stretch
20 pushups
40 situps
20 squat jumps
20 tuck jumps
20 side to side jumps
30 m lunge walk
50 m A runs
rest 1min 45 sec
run for 90 sec(500m-600m)
rest 2min and repeat this two more times
total of 3 jump runs
mile cooldown


Kevin said...
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Kevin said...

Kevin said:
I did the workout with Christian and Jon. On the first one I barely hit 490-500m but I think I tweaked my hamstring a little bit. The second one I hit the 450m and on the third I hit it around 430m. The workout was hard for me because once I got tired my form broke down and I ran flat footed.