Sunday, August 5, 2007

August 6 (Day 91)

mile warmup
30 min workout
Make sure all three times are no more than 5 min
Ex. you have 10min to run 700m and the faster you do it the longer the rest
if you run it in 3min then you have 7min rest
After rest run 500m and if you run it in 1:15 then you have 8:45sec to rest
After run 300m but then the 3 has to be done in 45 sec and you ahve 9:15 sec to rest
because after you add up your times they have to be 5min or less.
The 300m is the base of the workout meaning the goal is to lower your 300m time
each time the workout is done
If all your times add up to be more than 5min then the workout doesnt count.
Meaning either you do it again later in the week, or next week with the same time

mile cooldown

P.S. you might want to record your times for the workout cause coach wants us to decrease the time for each run


Anonymous said...

thanks for being so detailed- i didn't know what the hell i was looking at at first...

Anonymous said...

-I actually enjoyed that workout. The rest is long, so there's time to do a little jog, and stretch, grab some water, all at a comfortable pace. And because your fully recovered, you don't to worry about saving much for later in the workout.
-I was satisfied with my overall time, but there is definately room for improvement.
-good luck and tell us how it went.

Kevin said...

Like Jon said, the workout went relatively well. The 700m was hard but I was able to stay at the same speed. I was satisified with the 500m because I came through at the same time as the jump runs, but my 300m was horrible. I didnt fully recover from the 500m because it started to rain. I came out fast but I slowed down at the 200m mark because it was rainy and windy. Plus it was hard to get that much traction on the track, I tried to pick it up on the 300m but by then I loss too much time around 200m.
My times were 700m(2:16.94), 500m(1:30.16), 300m(49.06)
Overall I was definitely under five minutes with my overall time being around (4:37)
I can definitely see myself running it all under or right at (4:30) if I push through the 700m and definitely the 300m

P.S. because of the rain i couldnt cool down but im gonna stretch alot before I lift