Monday, August 27, 2007


To all those that participated in our summer workouts congrats on a job well done.
Last week was the last week of workouts because pre-season starts sept. 5.
Hopefully these workouts were helpful in keeping you in shape and getting stronger.
On that note, good luck during your seasons.

Monday, August 20, 2007

August 26 (Day 111)

20 min easy run

August 25 (Day 110)

off/active rest

August 24 (Day 109)

5 mile run

August 23 (Day 108)

mile warmup
jump run workout
20 pushups
40 situps
20 squat jumps
20 tuck jumps
20 side to side
30m lunges
50m A run
the rest is no longer a 1min 45sec it's now just 1min
run for 60sec(hit 400m 0r more)
rest 2min after run
jump runs x3
mile cooldown

August 22 (Day 107)

Day off

August 21 (Day 106)

jog 800m
dynamic drills
movement drills
4x250m at 28sec 4-6min rest after each one

mile cooldown

August 20 (Day 105)

mile warmup
10 min stretch
2 sets of 4x100m at 14sec
3-6min rest in between sets
mile cooldown

hurdle mobility and strength excercises

Monday, August 13, 2007

August 19 (Day 104)

2o min easy run

August 18 (Day 103)

Off/active rest

August 17 (Day 102)

4 mile run
try to run it under 30min

August 16 (Day 101)

mile warmup
jump run workout
20 pushups
40 situps
20 squat jumps
20 tuck jumps
20 side to side
30m lunges
50m A run
the rest is no longer a 1min 45sec it's now just 1min
run for 60sec(hit 400m 0r more)
jump runs x3
mile cooldown

August 15 (Day 100)

day off

August 14 (Day 99)

jog 800m
dynamic drills
movement drills
4x250m 4-6min rest between each one
run the 200m in 28sec
ex. if you run 28.51 it counts as 29sec so run
each 200m under 28.5
drive hard 1st 50m hold speed for 150m and push through last 50m
mile cooldown

August 13 (Day 98)

mile warmup
10 min static stretch
2 sets of 4x100m
coach doesnt want them all out
make sure you run them in 14sec not faster or slower
the workout is supposed to help us learn how to pace ourselves
and it applies to the 250m workout tomorrow
take a 1min rest between each one and 3-6min rest in between the sets
mile cooldown

Hurdle mobility and a couple of strength excersices
ex. pushups for 30sec, situps for 30sec, e.t.c

August 11-12 (Day 96-97)

off/active rest

Sunday, August 5, 2007

August 10 (Day 95)

Hill workout

Me and Jon are gonna do stadium stairs around the fens
Essentially its a plyo workout but coach mase approved of this

August 9 (Day 94)

Day off

August 8 (Day 93)

Pool workout

August 7 (Day 92)

Jog 800m
movement drills
dynamic warmup
5x200 at 30 sec
Make sure you just run 200m
the workout is not suppose to be fast so just stick with the time

mile cooldown

August 6 (Day 91)

mile warmup
30 min workout
Make sure all three times are no more than 5 min
Ex. you have 10min to run 700m and the faster you do it the longer the rest
if you run it in 3min then you have 7min rest
After rest run 500m and if you run it in 1:15 then you have 8:45sec to rest
After run 300m but then the 3 has to be done in 45 sec and you ahve 9:15 sec to rest
because after you add up your times they have to be 5min or less.
The 300m is the base of the workout meaning the goal is to lower your 300m time
each time the workout is done
If all your times add up to be more than 5min then the workout doesnt count.
Meaning either you do it again later in the week, or next week with the same time

mile cooldown

P.S. you might want to record your times for the workout cause coach wants us to decrease the time for each run

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Friday, July 27, 2007

August 3 (Day 88)

mile warmup
recovery crossfields
do crossfield for 15 min
however you can slow down when joggin the straits but make
sure that you push forward and focus on form when striding across the field
mile cooldown

August 2 (Day 87)

jump runs
8min jog
A skips, Bskips, Cskips, 3x75m
same jump run workout as last week

August 1 (Day 86)

Day off

July 31 (Day 85)

pool workout

July 30 (Day 84)

jog 800m
movement drills (hip circles, leg swings)
dynamic flex drill x30m (Askips, Bskips, Cskips, A runs e.t.c)
5x250 m at 29 seconds with 4-6 min rest in between
remember to start time at beginning stop at 200m and coast for the last 50m
holding your running form

Also if anyone is running from 28-27 easily in the workout then go ahead with that time
however if you have to push it to reach 28 or 27 then just stay at 29 sec

This week's workout

Coach wants all the workout done on grass/turf for the week

July 28-July 29 (Day 82-83)

off/active rest

Monday, July 23, 2007

July 27 (Day 81)

4-5 mile run

July 26 (Day 80)

Jump runs
8 min warmup then stretch
A skips, B skips, A runs 3x75m
and stretch
20 pushups
40 situps
20 squat jumps
20 tuck jumps
20 side to side jumps
30 m lunge walk
50 m A runs
rest 1min 45 sec
run for 90 sec(500m-600m)
rest 2min and repeat this two more times
total of 3 jump runs
mile cooldown

July 25 (Day 79)

Day off

pool workouts and day off

coach wants pool workouts to always be the day we run and a day off after the pool workout
so then we can do workouts like jump runs or any other workout like sprinting fresh on thursday

July 24 (Day 78)

pool workout

July 23 (Day 77)

jog 800m
movement warmup (hip circles, leg swings, e.t.c)
Dynamic flex drills x30m (Askips, Bskips, Cskips, high knees, Aruns, e.t.c)
5 x250m at 29 seconds 4-6min rest in between
start time right from the start, stop time at 200m mark and just coast and hold speed for last 50m
2 min abs
light plyos
mile cooldown
10min stretch